COCK ARTINYA - COCK | English meaning

cock artinya   sydney6d air cock · picu udara. sebagian atau seluruh definisi yang termuat pada halaman ini diambil dari Glosarium Pusat Bahasa, Departemen Pendikan Nasional

bolasiar live I think Cock here is a verb. Plus when they come together, I think, they should form slang. the position into which the cock, or hammer, is brought by being drawn partly or completely back, preparatory to firing. Slang: Vulgar. penis. sexual relations

elearning usu How do either of those words being used to reference a penis constitute demonizing? As long as people like to say dick or cock to mean penis Especially if it's someone smarter, prettier and with more cock. Apalagi kalau orang itu lebih cerdas, tampan dan punya penis yang lebih besar.

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